Monitoring Operations Through Dashboards
Keeping track of companies is as important as having proven success. It's not about achieving success but about staying at a high level, stable and as long as possible. To do this, it is necessary to constantly monitor actions and processes, and this is where business dashboards come in.
Regardless of the company size, the availability and value of dashboards for business optimization is undeniable. Dashboards allow you to visually and effectively examine a large volume of results, allowing those in charge to monitor the behavior of customers, partners, and employees.
The project pursued the goal to help BF Grupo company, more precisely, BF Comércio e Serviços, produce insights from the activity data.
It includes the development of a sales panel (dashboard) that allows responsible persons to monitor the behavior of customers, partners, and employees to explore business optimization opportunities.
To answer the questions raised by BF Comércio e Serviços, we first conducted a preliminary analysis of the data provided by the client. The purpose of this analysis was to verify the feasibility, requirements, and risks associated with the implementation of a system capable of answering the defined questions.
The questions to be answered by the system were selected by the client in partnership with EAI, responsible for investigating the technical requirements and limitations on the subject. The developed system is characterized as a “sales panel” (dashboard) and allows users to answer selected questions using iterative visualizations.